Okay today we read Galatians 6. It's hard to believe it's the last chapter of Galatians. Tomorrow we start Ephesians. Be sure to join me. It doesn't matter if you haven't read up until now, start with me in Ephesians. For today we will finish Galatians. Let's say a quick prayer before we jump into the reading if you haven't already read todays chapter.
Lord, open my heart to your Word this morning. As I read, give me deep revelation. I love you, Amen.
So much jumped out at me today but I really spent the majority of my time looking at these verses. I personalized them, “8 If Kami lives only to satisfy her own sinful nature she will harvest decay and death from that sinful nature. If Kami lives to please the Spirit she will harvest everlasting life from the Spirit. 9 So Kami do not get tired of doing what is good. At just the right time you will reap a harvest of blessing if you don’t give up. 10 Therefore, whenever you have the opportunity, you should do good to everyone—especially to those in the family of faith.”
Galatians 6:8-10 NLT
There is so much from today that is just jumping off the page at me there is no way around the law of harvest. We will always reap what we sow.
Also, as I continue to read the Bible each day. Seeds of truth are being planted. Of course,

there are the daily benefits of being in Word every day, but I can’t even fully fathom the impact being in the Word every day over the last 7 years has made. I can only imagine the harvest that awaits as we continue to commit to #onechapteraday.
Will you read the Word with me? (Join our Well Community and begin reading and sharing, #onechapteraday.)