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Leviticus 13: Jesus (our Priest): our Mediator, Healer, Doctor, Savior.

Writer's picture: Kami PentecostKami Pentecost

Symbolism throughout the Old Testament never ceases to amaze me. I’ve found myself constantly drawn to the deeper meanings behind rituals, roles, and practices. Anytime something catches my attention, I feel prompted to dig deeper and pray into it. While I want to stay focused and not get too distracted, I can’t help but love what I’m learning along the way.

Today, I found myself reflecting on the role of the priest in Leviticus 13. The priest was the one who examined a person with a potential case of leprosy—much like a doctor would. It hit me that priests in those days weren’t just spiritual leaders; they were public service providers.

This led me to think about Jesus. The priestly role in Leviticus is such a vivid foreshadowing of Jesus as our ultimate High Priest.

He’s not just our mediator but also our healer, doctor, and Savior.

““When a man has on the skin of his body a swelling, a scab, or a bright spot, and it becomes on the skin of his body like a leprous sore, then he shall be brought to Aaron the priest or to one of his sons the priests.”

‭‭Leviticus‬ ‭13‬:‭2‬ ‭NKJV‬‬

OK, so I’ve read a book called The Gift of Pain and it was all about the usefulness of pain and disease of leprosy. It was a great read and has opened my eyes significantly to many things.

If leprosy symbolizes a physical manifestation of a moral dilemma, the isolation may represent the reality of how contagious sin can be. Just a thought. What did you learn or struggle with today?

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