Kami PentecostNov 1Genesis 24: Im officially adding this to my prayer life!The comfort in knowing we can pray for Him to send His angels before us, wherever we go! Heck YAH!
Kami PentecostOct 31Genesis 23: Dripping in FavorAs much as you may not feel it or even believe it, Im pretty sure you are exactly where you need to be, being equipped for your call!
Rachel WhighamOct 30Genesis 19: Be merciful in my hesitation Lord. It's so refreshing to watch someone hesitate and God be so patient. It reminds me He will be patient with me.
Kim Cancel Oct 30Genesis 21: What's your source?If we truly believe God is good and faithful why do we feel so much doubt?
Kami PentecostOct 30Genesis 22: ObedienceYesterday I was asked, "What is your greatest form of worship?" Now Im asking you!?
Kami PentecostOct 29Genesis 20: Projection is an interesting thing, isn't it?!Projection is the act of attributing to another person the feelings or opinions you would have in a situation similar to theirs.
Kami PentecostOct 28Galatians 18: Ask Him!If you have been asking for a sign...here it is. Ask Him again!
Kami PentecostOct 28Genesis 17: Yahweh will get the GLORY!I don't think there will ever be a day I don't need the reminder, God will work all things together for GOOD.