“Then I saw another great and awe-inspiring sign in heaven: seven angels with the seven last plagues; for with them God’s wrath will be completed.”
Revelation 15:1 CSB
Do you ever have days where the Lord is just speaking so clearly and other days where you sense something but can’t put your finger on it? As I continue to meditate on chapter 15 from yesterday,
the Lord gave me a word right here today. I am not against prosperity or good things (as the world would see "good") in any way, shape or form, but the Lord was very clear today that he uses all things for our good and sometimes the bad things are in fact part of His good plans for us. Today we see 7 angels bringing the plagues. God Is delivering the plagues If you will. We see again his continued efforts to bring us into RIGHT relationship with Him which Includes RIGHT-SIDING our priorities.
I sensed a strong emphasis on priorities.
Lord help me to look at my priorities. Where do my priorities need shifting?