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Writer's pictureKami Pentecost

Never Beyond Reach

Updated: May 3, 2024

Acts 9

"Ananias replied, 'Lord, many people have informed me about the terrible things this man has done to your followers in Jerusalem.' - Acts 9:13 (CEV)

I'll always remember the moment when I truly grasped the essence of fostering. It wasn't just about providing a home for a child who had been abandoned; it became clear that fostering was also a ministry for struggling parents. Whether grappling with addiction, neglect, or abuse, I began to understand that these parents needed support and guidance as much as their children did. In all honesty I didn't know if I could do that. I was angry for the child. The more I learned the more my heart changed.

As I've journeyed alongside the parents of the children in my care, the story of Paul serves as a powerful reminder of God's redemptive power.

It's a testament that no one, and no situation, is beyond God's reach.

Initially, I harbored a belief that these parents had forfeited their rights and should not be given additional opportunities to harm their children. However, my perspective has changed a bit. In light of my own need for grace in addition to getting to know some of the stories of those who have lost their children, I've come to understand that these parents are in need of healing; they need love and support just as much as their children do.

Sometimes, the most impactful way to care for the children is by extending a helping hand to their parents.

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