“So we must be very careful. We must continue to remember the message that we have heard about God's Son. Then we will not go in the wrong direction, and turn away from God.” Hebrews 2:1 EASY
As I read today's chapter the word complacency came to mind Immediately after I read verse 1.

There is a saying, "progress not perfection," but in reality it should be "progress over complacency," because complacency is actually coasting and coasting only goes one way…backwards.”
I know we don’t know who the author of Hebrews is, but whoever it was must have been keenly aware of our human tendency to get complacent. One of the things I appreciate the most about reading one chapter of the Bible a day is how It has spurred on my walk with the Lord In all sorts of other ways. It's like my appetite for the Lord Increases daily. I have found Im talking to the lord regularly through prayer and meditation. I find I am getting In the word In community with others In the group. I am watching every area of my life Increase In spiritual terms. Im so thankful.
Now that I’ve tasted this life with Christ I certainly don’t want to go backwards.