Oh my goodness, I was so taken back by the story today. For people to think the Bible is boring, clearly they haven't read it. Based on this chapter alone, Genesis would get an R rating.
“But he pulled his arm back, and his brother was born first. Then the midwife said, “So this is how you break your way out!” So he was named Perez.”
Genesis 38:29 GNT
After reading the events in todays chapter I was curious who was Israel's firstborn? I thought was it Leah's or Rachel's? Clearly it wasn't Joseph. I went back to chapter 29 and read that Leah's first was Reuban, then Simeon, Levi and her 4th child was Judah. I couldn't help but wonder what happened that the older 3 were not in Jesus' lineage?!

Leah was the “not preferred” sister/wife and yet her son was chosen to be in the lineage of Jesus. Judah and his sons were clearly no angels, and yet, God used them anyway. We see a ton of dysfunction, disobedience, manipulation, deceit and order all at the same time.
“This I know: the favor that brings promotion and power doesn’t come from anywhere on earth, for no one exalts a person but God, the true judge of all. He alone determines where favor rests. He anoints one for greatness and brings another down to his knees.”
Psalms 75:6-7 TPT
Tamar was wronged in so many ways and she wasn't innocent by any means. God allowed her oldest, Perez, to be in the lineage of Jesus.
Wow, wow, wow, what a reminder to the power of God's redemptive plan.
“My thoughts are nothing like your thoughts,” says the Lord. “And my ways are far beyond anything you could imagine.”
Isaiah 55:8 NLT
I so needed this today. If you are still reading, praise God. Maybe he wants to release you from something today like he did for me. Seeing this mess of a story reminded me so much that all the things have done and/or all the things that have been done to me were meant to disrupt AND corrupt God's plan for me. Praise the Lord that He brings promotion and power. Im so very grateful for the reminder today it is not up to me. Im so glad my thoughts are nothing like His. I have felt so angry. I have felt so betrayed. Today I released it all. Reading this story and knowing the redemptive work the Lord does has given me confidence to KNOW He will not forsake me. I am not forsaken. Praise God. Im going to put my name in the following verses to personalize this truth for me. Feel free to take these verses and do the same for you! The Lord is not finished with me yet. I imagine the same is true for you!
Read the following verses, play this song: Here Again
“Do not forsake me, O Lord! O my God, be not far from me!” Psalm 38:21 ESV
“Lord, those who know your name come to you for protection. And when they come, you do not leave them without help.”
Psalms 9:10 ERV
“I will never leave you (Kami) nor forsake you.(Kami)”
Hebrews 13:5 ESV
“It is the Lord who goes before you, Kami. He will be with you, Kami; he will not leave you or forsake you. Do not be afraid Kami or be dismayed.””
Deuteronomy 31:8 ESV