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Writer's pictureKami Pentecost

Revelation 11: We've been given the playbook.

““Meanwhile, I’ll provide my two Witnesses. Dressed in sackcloth, they’ll prophesy for 1,260 days. These are the two Olive Trees, the two Lampstands, standing at attention before God on earth. If anyone tries to hurt them, a blast of fire from their mouths will incinerate them—burn them to a crisp just like that. They’ll have power to seal the sky so that it doesn’t rain for the time of their prophesying, power to turn rivers and springs to blood, power to hit earth with any and every disaster as often as they want."

Imagine the scene: A couple of gentlemen standing on a street corner with signs telling us we will go to hell if we don't repent. This is what came to mind as I read this morning. I have areas in

my town with people stationed on the corner doing just that. I don’t even see them anymore because I have just become callous to it. I imagine a little after 3 years of these two things doing this they might get drowned out, if you will. It could get annoying. However, they had a power that the men I watch standing on the street corner don’t have. That alone has me wondering how it might grab the attention of others and yet for them to stand out there for 3 years, giving the same message over and over would people truly listen, turn and repent?

“Then, after three and a half days, the Living Spirit of God will enter them—they’re on their feet!—and all those gloating spectators will be scared to death.”” ‭‭Revelation‬ ‭11‬:‭3‬-‭6‬, ‭11‬ ‭MSG‬‬

Okay so after being killed Im sure people were like, "Well there is that!" Guess what? That wasn't the end of the story! They come back to life. WHAT THE WHAT!!!! I have to imagine that would get my attention. I’m so glad the Lord gives these details to us ahead of time in Revelation because I can imagine even as a believer how scary this would be to see all of this happening. The good news is we won't have to wonder. God has given us the playbook on the end times!

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