“I can already hear one of you agreeing by saying, “Sounds good. You take care of the faith department, I’ll handle the works department.” Not so fast. You can no more show me your works apart from your faith than I can show you my faith apart from my works. Faith and works, works and faith, fit together hand in glove.”
James 2:18 MSG
“But someone will say, “You have faith, and I have works.” Show me your faith without works, and I will show you faith by my works.”
James 2:18 CSB
This particular verse has never made as much sense to me as what the Lord brought to mind this morning. I want my life to tell a story based on how I live. Not one of perfection but of one who perfectly submitted to the Lord.
This spring and summer have been very busy. I had 2 of my sons graduate. I also have been battling an alcohol problem (coping with life through the use of alcohol to escape.) As both boys prepared to go off to college, I worked my program and continued to juggle my real estate career and all the summer "things." I have 3 bio children who go back and forth between my home and their dad's and I have adopted 2 boys. I was also helping with C, the boys' sister.
The kids felt we had done enough. They knew I was juggling so much and quite frankly had their own plans for the summer. They asked me over and over to not commit to help with C. Every time I was asked to help with C I would say, "I can help for the weekend but she can't stay here. We have too much going on, etc... " I actually blogged about it way back when I was first wrestling with the Idea of fostering another. I was praying and crying to the Lord for His will not mine to be done!
The case management team did try to find her a placement, but with every effort they made came up empty handed. They continued to ask if I could help. It really got to the point where knowing my kids wouldn't be thrilled, I would be spread thin and sobriety was at risk, etc I surrendered my will to God's and we kept C. As I heard this verse in James, "I will show you faith by my works," I knew I (and the kids too, whether they realized It or not) had truly lived it. We were living In faith.

Today I read the chapter, but then I also listened to it in multiple translations and when the Holy Spirit brought that situation to mind, I have never understood this scripture quite like I do now. Our lives will tell a story in many ways of our faith. James tells us that true religion Is, "to look after orphans."
Where would my faith have been had I turned C away when every attempt I made to say no proved God was guiding otherwise. It was almost as if the Lord had opened a door I couldn't close even if I wanted to. In essence I was saying, "I will show you my faith by my works!" No matter how much I prayed for her to have help elsewhere she continued to remain with us. God is faithful. He is good and I chose to believe His good plan for ALL of us was for her to stay with us. AND she did and was officially reunified with her mom in July. What a miracle after 10 years!
Our summer wasn't a fairytale summer. We had our fair share of challenges, but I trust God will do His thing with us and in us as he always does.
Can you think of a time where God was calling you to do something you really didn't want to, but your faith and trust carried you through?