Ya'll I have been so inconsistent these last few weeks with posting, but definitely NOT with reading the Word daily. As a matter of fact it's such a great opportunity for me to share our Facebook Community Page with you. I don't want you to join just to hear what others are getting as they read because that Is just a part of what we are doing. What we are really doing Is getting our very own words!
Once you have tasted the real thing, you'll never go back!
THE VERY BEST PART IS GETTING YOUR OWN WORD. May our daily shares inspire you to keep diving in, keep listening and keep learning right alongside us. We are all in process. We are diving in daily. I too want to strengthen this discipline which will only strengthen my time with the Lord. Im aware of the truth of this proverb: “A dog returns to its vomit.” And another says, “A washed pig returns to the mud.””
2 Peter 2:22 NLT
Before I started reading 1 chapter a day my relationship with the Lord was mostly dependent on those around me. I always relied on my parents' interpretations, my pastor, the Bible Study I was reading, the radio and worship music I was listening too, but It was second hand Information and a second hand relationship. It's dawning on me more and more, why would I want leftovers If I can have the REAL thing!
As I get in the Word Im getting to know Christ. Im hearing from Him directly. My knowledge of Him isn't based on someone's interpretation. ALL of that is good and fine as a supplement to getting in the Word and getting our own WORDS. Im telling you it will take you to a WHOLE NOTHA dimension In your walk with the Lord.
I can certainly say this the Lord has been very, very consistent with me lately in my time in the word. When I am listening, reading or speaking to other resources, the message is being confirmed. I have had people speak over me the fact they see me going through and experiencing birthing pains, and while I receive that word, I’ve never felt that to be as true as much as I have this last week and a half. Ive experience oppression, fear, health Issues, and also had visions, clarity, more conviction, and last a lot of repetition. I’m removing any and all barriers and more importantly filters keeping me from the MAIN THING. Jesus himself, His Word and the gift of His Spirit.
“Many will follow their depraved ways, and the way of truth will be maligned because of them. They will exploit you in their greed with made-up stories. Their condemnation, pronounced long ago, is not idle, and their destruction does not sleep.”
2 Peter 2:2-3 CSB
All week long and I’m sure it has to do with the fact that our 501(c)3 is almost official God has been stirring in me about how badly our world needs the gift of one chapter a day, the gift of fellowship with fellow believers, getting in the word and hearing firsthand words from the Lord rather then simply getting to know the Lord through teachers, prophets etc.
“Pour out all your worries and stress upon him and leave them there, for he always tenderly cares for you.”
1 Peter 5:7 TPT
I have been so overwhelmed with fear this week which ultimately boils down to the number of things happening In my life I don't have control over. I’ve been obsessing over a lot of things. And talk about lack of faith. The Lord has been so faithful as I get in His Word. The attacks have been
so intense I felt like it may have be a spirit of something. I’m thankful for the sweet reminder this morning of who should carry my cares! Im thankful the Lord cares so much He spoke directly to my current circumstances. Lord help the truth of who you are, how you love and care for me reach deep into my soul. Thank you for your Word and being with me in this!

The enemy can’t take my worship. Playing music loud this morning: My Current Fav Playlist
The best part of what Jesus did on the cross was that we now have direct access to Him and the Holy Spirit living In us, and yet many of us still live our lives, going through others to get to Jesus. I know for me I had believed the lie that I didn't have have what I need or the understanding to really learn what I needed to learn. I didn't have the proper degree or understanding and yet the Lord gave us the holy spirit when he went back up to be with his father, which means we have everything we need to discern, spend time with and learn from the Word Himself.
I remember when my sales company used to run promotions, and it would prompt me to be so much more diligent about handing out my biz cards and having intentional conversations all throughout the day to get people interested in what we had our hands on because I truly believed it was such a gift. I haven’t even begun to scratch the surface using that kind of urgency to share the gift of what we have by reading God‘s word every day and the community we’ve created around it. AND this gift is so much greater and eternal!
God is so faithful. He is so patient with ME and yet the birthing pains are truly prompting me, convicting me to share this powerful revelation. I have never felt more convicted as I do RIGHT NOW of how plentiful the harvest is, but the workers are few. I feel my spirit leaping this morning say, "Yes Lord, use me!" I pray as we commit to getting In the Word daily, as you may read this blog, or get Involved In our "Women @The Well" community you too would feel the nudge to dive In and regularly get your own word. I am telling you friend a true encounter with Christ through His Word will leave you forever changed.
The labor pains are getting heavier. The Word is the solution to all the pain and evil in our World. We need Jesus. I could never go back to a relationship with the Lord that is simply contingent on what others are teaching me. I want the real thing. Everything else pales in comparison. The new covenant has given us that very gift. I don't want what Jesus did on the cross to go to the Way side. “He consistently speaks of these things in all of his letters, even though he writes some

concepts that are overwhelming to our understanding, which the unlearned and unstable love to twist to their spiritual ruin, as they do to other Scriptures.”
It’s not a matter of “if” there are false teachers and false prophets, and people misunderstanding the scriptures, even if that is done with pure motives, but how many…. And that’s leading us in places the Lord may very well not be leading. How much more we need to be knowledgeable of the Scriptures.
“But continue to grow and increase in God’s grace and intimacy with our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. May he receive all the glory both now and until the day eternity begins. Amen!”
2 Peter 3:16, 18 TPT
There is no better way that I know to grow and increase in God‘s grace and intimacy than being in his word regularly. When I look back past sins, my marriage ending...was truly me losing hope that Jesus could help us. While I am certainly human I know back then I didn't have true intimacy with the Lord like I am growing In now.
This is going to get repetitive Im sure, but I am officially done having the foundation of a relationship with the Lord based on the interpretation of pastors, Bible study, my parents and all things well intentioned, but never meant to serve as the primary source. God came to abolish all the rituals we had to follow to get In Lord's presence. Jesus did that. He replaced the old covenant with the New Covenant. Let’s walk in it. Whew. Im so grateful.
Who is with me?