“Moses slaughtered it, took some of its blood, and put it on Aaron’s right earlobe, on the thumb of his right hand, and on the big toe of his right foot.”
Leviticus 8:23 CSB
As I read the process of cleansing and setting the priests apart I wanted better understanding of this ceremony...
1. Right Ear:

Symbolism: The right ear represents hearing God’s voice and receiving His instructions. The ear is the organ by which one listens, and in the context of the priesthood, it symbolizes the priests' responsibility to hear God’s Word and to faithfully transmit it to the people. By consecrating the right ear with blood, it signifies that the priest is set apart to listen to and obey God’s commands.
Application: Just as the priests were called to listen to God and pass on His instructions, we are also called to be attentive to God’s Word. Our spiritual lives are shaped by what we listen to—are we tuning our ears to God's voice and commands?
2. Right Thumb:
Symbolism: The right thumb represents the hands, and it symbolizes the work of the priest. The thumb is central to grasping and holding things, signifying action. The priests
were called to serve God through their work—offering sacrifices, maintaining the temple, and leading the people in worship. By consecrating the right thumb, God was marking the priest’s work as holy and set apart.
Application: Just as the priests' actions were to be in alignment with God's will, our work should be dedicated to Him. Everything we do—whether it’s in our careers, at home, or in service to others—should be an offering to God, consecrated and set apart for His glory.
3. Right Big Toe:
Symbolism: The right big toe symbolizes the priest’s walk and direction in life. Our feet guide us in our journey, and the big toe is key to stability and direction in walking. By consecrating the right big toe, the priests were being set apart to walk in God's ways, following Him faithfully.
Application: Just as the priests were to walk according to God's guidance, we, too, are called to follow Him in every step. The way we live and the direction we take in life should reflect our devotion to God, as we walk in obedience to His leading.
The priests were to live lives entirely dedicated to God, serving Him with their whole being. I can't help but want to be dedicated like this.
Lord give me eyes to see what you see, hands willing to move and work on whatever it is you are doing and feet that go where you are sending me.