I love how the Lord highlighted HIS WORD to me this morning and how he impressed upon me all these feasts and days to remember like a holiday, if you will, or even a family tradition in which I could never imagine not celebrating or practicing. The Lord has been working on me overtime lately. I love it. I have been struggling to feel like I really recognize the value of and truth of a sabbath. I was talking with a coach and he encouraged me to "make it a matter of prayer!"

AND OH HAVE I....Not because it’s a rule I feel I HAVE TO follow, but rather one I GET TO embrace and enjoy. It's funny as I started reading this chapter I almost thought, here we go... more rules, more regulations...more things to with symbolic meaning I don't understand...and on and on....BUT something happened today as I read. Something very special and unforgettable was truly revealed.
I see SABBATH and these other festivals as like the greated family tracition and most special holiday of the year. What an opportunity to join wiht thos ewe love to celebrate this amazing gift we have been given AND a tiime to truly sit, rest and be present in the gift of what we have been given. May we never forget. This was such a moment for me I can't unsee it.
ALSO I couldn’t help but see the connection between tithe, Sabbath and the practice of remembering and the power of it to prioritize and keep order in my life with what’s most important. Here me friend. Really hear me. These are a to do list that we check off each week or month. It's an invitation to create order in our lives which reap great dividends.
What a reminder this isn’t about following the rules and being mandated to do something. It’s truly an opportunity to focus on the benefits of the gifts we are being taught and asked to implement.
There wasn't a particular verse that stood out. It was all these things I felt the Lord prompted me to look into further that caught my attention:
A holy convocation is a sacred gathering of people for worship and fellowship.
Feast: a celebration that involves enjoying food and expressing gratitude for God's provision.
In the Bible, the offering is an act of gratitude to God "offerings" refer to acts of giving something to God as a gesture of gratitude, usually in the form of a sacrifice like an animal or grain
Celebrations acknowledge (a significant or happy day or event) with a social gathering or enjoyable activity.
Sabbath (/ˈsæbəθ/) or Shabbat (from Hebrew שַׁבָּת [ʃa'bat]) is a day set aside for rest and worship. According to the Book of Exodus, the Sabbath is a day of rest on the seventh day, commanded by God to be kept as a holy day of rest, as God rested from creation.
Remembering in the Bible is a way to maintain faith and respond to the world with hope.
Remembering in the Bible is a way to be reminded that God is always present, even when it may seem like he has forgotten
When I think about the various feasts and requirements shared today, I can’t help but delight in the simple fact that on Sabbath alone, it’s as if God is carving out of space to delight in him, remember what he has done, to be in community with loved ones. And the benefit will be Stronger, faith, deeper hope, greater love and better health!
How are you taking this in?