“Now this is the law of the fellowship sacrifice that someone may present to the Lord:”
Leviticus 7:11 CSB
Today I found myself researching the different kinds of offerings and their symbolic purposes. The

one that really caught my attention was the peace offering—an offering made to fellowship with the Lord. It was an act of thankfulness or the fulfillment of a vow. It was a form of worship if you will.
I was particularly drawn to the example of Hannah. Her story resonates deeply with me because of the times I have physically and spiritually walked through the process of giving my children over to the Lord. Most recently, I’ve experienced this with Syrus and Keimani. These moments of surrender are sacred, reminding me of the profound trust and gratitude we are called to have as we lay our lives, and the lives of those we love, before the Lord.
I’m so thankful that we no longer have to make sacrifices and offerings like this to fellowship with the Lord. Instead, Christ’s sacrifice opened the way for us to come freely into His presence. (At any time folks, we have Him with us!) I don't have to wait and worship at church on Sunday, with an alter, etc... It is something I can do in my living room at any time. As a matter of fact I have worship music playing now. It lifts my spirit. Still, these ancient practices remind me of the importance of worship, prayer, time in the presence of the Lord and the sacred act of remembering. In my prayers, I continually lay my life and my children before the Lord, trusting His plans for our lives.