“(For all these repulsive acts have been done by the men who lived in the land before you, and the land has become defiled.)”
Leviticus 18:27 AMP
Good morning. As I read this chapter, I found myself sick to my stomach over some of the repulsive

things described. And yet, it’s clear—if God had to make laws against these acts, it’s because they were happening. It made me think of the evil we see today, the kind of things people point to as signs of the end times. But honestly, this isn’t new.
As I meditated on this scripture, the Lord reminded me how slippery sin is. What starts as something “harmless” often leads to deeper and darker sin. It’s a sobering reminder quite frankly of how broken the human condition truly is and how no one is above the pull of sin. Truly I am reminded that I am sick. My sin is great and thank the Lord His Love is greater!
Lord, help me to recognize sin for what it is and stay close to You. May I never grow numb to the weight of sin.