““If any Israelite or foreigner living among them eats blood, I will disown that person and cut him off from his people, for the life of an animal is in the blood. I have provided the blood for you to make atonement for your lives on the Altar; it is the blood, the life, that makes atonement. That’s why I tell the People of Israel, ‘Don’t eat blood.’ The same goes for the foreigner who lives among you, ‘Don’t eat blood.’”
Leviticus 17:10-12 MSG
As I studied the significance of blood today, it felt as though the Holy Spirit was speaking directly

to my heart, reminding me of the immense value of life—even the life of an animal. Life matters to God in such a profound way that I now see the gravity of sin with new eyes. If atonement required the shedding of life, and if life is as valuable as I’m coming to understand, then the weight of sin is even greater than I ever realized.
There have been times when I’ve thought about the countless animals that must have died in the past, and the thought always saddened me. It’s heartbreaking to think about, but I also realize there had to be a way for sin to be atoned for. The sacrifice of so many animals was not in vain—it was the system God established to cover sin. And yet, knowing how valuable life is, I see how much greater the gift of Jesus is. He came to do away with that broken system once and for all, offering Himself as the ultimate sacrifice.
This makes me appreciate even more why blood was used for atonement. But it’s also striking that the meat from the sacrifice wasn’t wasted—it could be used for food. God, in His wisdom, ensured that nothing went to waste, even in the process of making atonement.
I clearly can't speak for you, but I am curious how the weight of sacrifice and the value of life changes the way you view what Christ has done? I know for me, I come undone when I think about all He has done!