One thing that caught my attention was the fact that the offering and sacrificial offering provided the church with exactly what it needed. Just a reminder that the body of Christ has what is needed to move the kingdom forward here on earth.
“The people also brought as special offerings 5,310 pounds of bronze, which was used for casting the bases for the posts at the entrance to the Tabernacle, and for the bronze altar with its bronze grating and all the altar utensils.”
Exodus 38:29-30 NLT
I loved Rachel's thoughts so much. The idea of everyone giving and everything that was needed was provided overwhelms me. I can't help but think of our group of women gathering daily and weekly to read the Bible. I also couldn't shake the symbolism behind Bronze, Silver and Gold. It drew my attention.
In the Bible, the three metals are used to represent how people connect with God through Jesus Christ. The outer court is made of bronze, representing the judgment of sin. The silver part of the tabernacle represents the redemption price paid by Jesus Christ. The holy place, which is covered in gold, represents the forgiveness of sins and the restoration of God's original plan with humanity
All the details of these metals and what they represent was eye opening. Everything in the Old Testament points to the birth of Christ and the New Covenant. I sit here today just being overwhelmed with the goodness of God.
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