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Writer's pictureKami Pentecost

Lean Not on Your Own Understanding

Updated: May 3, 2024

Acts 1

Starting Acts today!!!!!!!

"Then the whole group prayed, 'Lord, you know what everybody is really like. Please show us which man you have chosen.' Acts 1:24 EASY

Over the weekend, I found myself applying this very verse to my life, especially with C joining us and seeing or should I say perceiving, Skyler's discomfort. I had just read the story in the Bible about the disciples not knowing what to do next when it came to replacing Judas’ place among them, and their first instinct was to pray... 'Lord you know ____, show us ____.'

I resonated with that. Unsure of what to do, my desire to please and comfort Skyler kicked in.

Instead of solely relying on my own understanding, I found myself praying, 'Lord you know my heart regarding bringing C into our family, show me the correct path, the best way to handle things...'

And as I prayed this over Skyler, I asked, 'Lord you know her heart 💗 please show her your plan/path; Show both of us.'

I'm incredibly thankful for Scripture that guides me in moments of uncertainty. It's a blessing to have the Word of God instructing not just me, but my children as well. And let me tell you, the Lord worked things out all weekend long—I could see it. Skyler was able to communicate her needs to me, and she really softened towards C.

Now, Keimani's reaction was a bit different. (Insert eye roll) I understand that any change in routine can be unsettling for him. The silver lining is that I see this as an opportunity to put into practice the tools I've been given, and to allow the Holy Spirit to work His thing with Keimani too. 😉"

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