Acts 23
I haven’t blogged in a couple days because quite frankly, I’m trying to put my thoughts together. I’ve been reading my chapter each morning and drawing comfort from Paul’s story. I cannot believe what following Christ looked like for him. And he did it so willingly.
As I read, I can’t help but feel encouraged because I see God‘s hand in the midst of his entire journey. I particularly liked his encouragement to Paul in chapter 23… “The next night, the Lord Jesus came and he stood near Paul. He said to Paul, ‘Do not be afraid! You have told people here in Jerusalem about me. You must also do the same thing in Rome.’”
Acts 23:11 EASY
This is what I hear… “Kami do not be afraid! You have taken such good care of Landon, Colton, Skyler, Syrus, Keimani and Leilani…love Cyriana well.”
I have such peace. I keep praying Lord you know my heart, show me…show my kids… etc.
I thought I’m reading the Word as daily manna but what I’m recognizing is it’s so much more. Jesus wants to be my daily manna.

I have a dear friend walking through the most awful reality right now and I can’t help but KNOW God is holding her and her children in the palm of his hand. When I say there is no explanation but the Word of God, I mean it. Wow. Just wow. There is a peace.
All throughout Acts I see Paul walking through some of the hardest things a person could ever walk through. I simply see him, relying on God for the right words, for the strength, for his very breath.
I also see him completely equipped, and in perfect position to do what he’s being called to do
He is of Roman origin, he has the skills and the knowledge and the background of a Pharisee, he knows multiple languages, including Aramaic and a former Jesus hater now turned one of the greatest evangelist of all time. It just is so comforting as I sit here thinking how on earth is taking on Cyriana the plan. And yet when I look back over my life, it makes so much sense. I was made for this. Truly, if God is orchestrating this how can I fail? I feel expectant. I feel prepared and not all at the same time. I have this crazy crazy peace too. Taking it one day at a time